furnace maintenance

A Heat Pump or Furnace Tune-up Will Keep You Warm Through Winter

November 26, 2019

Your Gulf Breeze, FL, furnace or heat pump has a big job ahead when the winter weather blows in. So, it only makes sense that keeping your system well-maintained is your smartest move for getting the most effective performance from your equipment.

Prime the Pump with a Precision Heat Pump Tune-Up

Since your heat pump is a reversible system that works to preserve your family’s comfort both in Northwest Florida’s winter and summer weather, the system gets a fairly consistent workout throughout the year. To make sure the unit is ready to serve you well this winter — and keep it primed for summertime use as well — your heat pump should receive plenty of TLC, including careful use, regular filter changes and a professional HVAC tune-up at least once a year.

Your heat pump tune-up will involve a thorough inspection of both the compressor and the air handler. Your maintenance technician will test, calibrate, and adjust all internal components, tightening loose connections, cleaning the condenser and evaporator coils, drain line and drain pan, and lubricating all moving parts. Topping off your tune-up with a full refrigerant charge will rejuvenate your heat pump system and keep it going strong throughout the winter.

Optimize HVAC Performance with Our Expert Furnace Tune-Up

If a forced-air furnace is your family’s main source of heat in winter, our experts can provide the precision furnace tune-up your HVAC system needs to supply dependable, energy-efficient heating to your home no matter how cold the weather gets.

Your tune-up will involve a thorough cleaning and inspection by our heating experts, with all the system’s critical components — including circuits, valves, sensors and controls — tested, checked and adjusted to provide optimal system performance.

Keep Your Heating System Running Like New

Placing your heat pump or furnace maintenance into the capable hands of the heating experts at Lunsford Air Conditioning and Heating will help keep your family more consistently comfortable this winter. Learn more about our precision furnace or heat pump tune-ups, or call 850-203-8200 to schedule your tune-up and get fully prepared for winter.

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