AC Units

3 Tips for Using Your AC More Efficiently in Milton, FL

April 26, 2024

Spring in Milton, FL is already quite warm, and the summer will only be hotter, which means that your AC use is set to skyrocket. That means that running your AC as efficiently as possible is about to assume great importance. Here are three tips to help you maximize your AC’s efficiency.

1. Insulate Your Ducts and Walls

Many people might more readily associate insulation with keeping warmth in a given area, but it’s just as useful for keeping unwanted heat out. If the attic, ductwork and the walls of your home are poorly insulated, heat from the outdoors will permeate these things and radiate into the air that your AC has been working to chill. That will force your AC to work harder and expend more energy than it would otherwise need to keep your home cool.

Replacing or adding to existing insulation have a cost, the energy savings you’ll reap will make this worth doing.

2. Schedule Maintenance

Perhaps the most important thing that you can do to ensure that your AC functions efficiently for years to come is to arrange a regular maintenance schedule. HVAC technicians have the skills to discover issues before they become serious and truly harm your system. We recommend scheduling maintenance at least once per year.

3. Close Your Windows While the AC Is in Use

If you’d like to air out your home every so often during the spring, that’s perfectly fine. However, we recommend turning off your AC while your windows are open. If you don’t do so, cool air will escape from your home, and your AC’s overall efficiency will drop.

A few simple actions can beef up your AC’s efficiency and make you vastly more comfortable in Milton, FL this spring. For help, call our team at Lunsford Air Conditioning & Heating to schedule air conditioning services today.

Image provided by iStock

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