Clean Vs Dirty Air Filter

How Often Should You Change Your Air Filter in Your Navarre, FL Home?

July 20, 2022

Your HVAC air filter plays a critical role in keeping your Navarre, FL system running efficiently and preventing excessive strain. However, to continue working properly, your filter needs regular inspection and replacing. Discover exactly how often you should change your air filter and what happens if you forget.

How Often Do Manufacturers Recommend Changing Filters?

Both filter and HVAC system manufacturers have recommended changing schedules. The filter’s size, primarily its depth, along with its construction are the biggest factors. Generally, these recommendations look like this:

  • 1- and 2-inch filters: every 30-90 days
  • 3- and 4-inch filters: every 6-9 months
  • 5- and 6-inch filters: every 9-12 months

What Affects Filter Service Life?

There are several factors that’ll affect how long your system’s filter will last; the biggest is your indoor air quality. Poor air quality clogs filters faster and has many contributing factors that may lead to rapid filter replacements. Things that degrade air quality in your home include:

  • Pets
  • Smoking inside
  • Irregular cleaning schedule
  • Uncontrolled indoor humidity

In addition to air quality, consider your personal needs. Does anyone in your home suffer from asthma or allergies? If so, you may want to change your filter more often.

Likewise, look at how you use your system. Long heating and cooling cycles and failing to reduce system load while you’re not home also shortens the filter’s life. Additionally, the larger your home compared to the size filter your system uses, the more frequently you will need to change it.

What Happens If You Forget About Your Filter?

Failing to change your filter when it’s needed creates an airflow restriction at the beginning of the system. Airflow restrictions reduce your system’s efficiency, driving up its energy consumption and causing avoidable repairs. Check your filter every 30 days to prevent this, and change it if it’s visibly clogged with dust and dirt.

Not only does a dirty air filter cause these issues, but so does neglecting routine maintenance. Call to schedule your heating or AC maintenance with our NATE-certified technicians at Lunsford Air Conditioning & Heating today.

Image provided by iStock

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