Man Checking Air Vent

4 Tips for Keeping Your Vents Clean in Navarre, FL

June 29, 2024

Vents help regulate temperature and air circulation in your Navarre, FL home. Debris buildup not only makes them look ugly but also prevents proper airflow. Here are four practical ways to keep your vents clean.

1. Change Air Filters Regularly

HVAC filters trap and prevent particles from circulating in your home’s ductwork. To maintain cleanliness in your duct system, which connects to your vents, replace the air filters quarterly. If you own pets, consider replacing the filters once a month.

The minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) rating of air filters indicates the amount and size of particles the filters can trap and hold. As the number increases, the filters become more efficient and capable of capturing smaller particles. Filters rated MERV 9 to 12 typically operate efficiently without overworking your HVAC system.

2. Clean the Air

Using indoor air purifiers or cleaners can help reduce dust and debris in your home. These products will keep dust at bay and improve your air quality. Alternatively, an HVAC tech can install electronic air filters to improve indoor air quality.

3. Dust Regularly

As tiny as it is, dust can cause significant harm to your home, including bad odors and allergies. This becomes hazardous with continuous exposure to hot or cold airflow day in and day out. Regularly dusting your vents helps reduce the accumulation of dust on vent grates.

A soft microfiber cloth is the best tool to dust your vents. These materials are effective at trapping dust in their fibers to clear it out of your room. If dusting isn’t enough, warm, soapy water should take care of any grime.

4. Keep Air Supply Vents Open

For steady airflow throughout your home, it’s advisable to keep the air vents open when the AC is running. Closing individual vents can disturb or slow the airflow in some parts of your system. This can allow dust to accumulate in areas with reduced air movement.

Air vents are crucial for your HVAC system and regulate indoor temperature and humidity levels. For advice about maintaining them or any other HVAC service you need, contact our team at Lunsford Air Conditioning & Heating.

Image provided by iStock

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