Control Dust

Forget the Cobwebs This Halloween: 3 Ways to Control Dust at Home

October 21, 2019

You love your home in Navarre, Florida, but the region’s hottest temperatures, rain, and thunderstorms exacerbate your asthma symptoms. It’s most important that you and your household be free from respiratory irritants. Dust is like laundry; it never stops accumulating. There are simple and affordable ways to breathe easier while you and your precious family spend quality time indoors. Reducing the number of dust bunnies largely depends on your home’s HVAC system.

How to Get Rid of Common Asthma Triggers in Your Home

If you notice more dust than usual accumulating around your home, it may indicate the need for a new air filter. Read your furnace and air conditioner user manuals and filter instructions for information about how often to change or clean the filter. Too much dust not only clogs your airways but can prevent your home’s heating and cooling systems from functioning properly.

Seal Leaks Around Your Home to Prevent Dust From Entering Inside

Air leaks from ducts such as your laundry vent, leaky doorways, and windows allow dust to enter your home from outside. Ventilate the dryer duct to the outside and make sure it’s free from obstruction for safety and optimal performance. The return duct allows dust to enter your home and pollute the indoor air if it isn’t sealed correctly. By making sure that all the vents and entryways are sealed, you’ll breathe easier.

Be a Dust Detective and Find Sneaky Places With Buildup

Some places around the home are less obvious dust collectors. If you have a ceiling fan, dust collects out of sight on the top of the blades. The top ridge of your home’s baseboards accumulates dust as well; wipe or vacuum these areas as part of your cleaning routine. Check for dust on the tops of cupboards and molding around your doors.

Our expertise helps homeowners in Pensacola, Florida, remove dust from HVAC systems with system maintenance. Call Lunsford Air Conditioning & Heating at 850-203-3200 for more information.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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