hvac outside unit

3 Signs You Need HVAC Maintenance

May 31, 2018

A functional HVAC system is important for keeping your Milton, Florida, home comfortable year-round. Knowing the signs that point to HVAC maintenance can help keep your HVAC running smoothly. Here are the three most common indications that its time to get your HVAC unit assessed.

Unusual Noises

Your HVAC unit should run almost silently, outside of the whir of the fan starting up and the sound of blowing air. If you start to hear other noises, it may be time to get your unit checked out. These sounds can point to a number of different issues. These issues may have been going on for a while, because problem-related noises typically only become audible after wear and tear has reached a critical level and requires a tune-up as quickly as possible. Sounds to listen for include rattling, thumping, screeching, and whistling.

Extra Humidity

Humidity is normal in Milton, Florida, but only outdoors. Your HVAC unit should control the humidity inside your home and keep it at a relatively low level. Noticeable humidity, especially if you also use a dehumidifier, is cause for concern. This can be caused by an issue with your thermostat or point to more serious problems related to short, frequent air cycles. Extra humidity can create an uncomfortable home and should be dealt with quickly to preserve indoor air quality.

Uneven Temperature

One of the main roles of a climate control unit is to do just that: control your home’s climate. This includes keeping the temperature even across your home for maximum comfort. There may be some slight fluctuations, especially if you have rooms with large windows that receive more sunlight, but overall your home should be fairly similar in temperature. If you notice extra warm or extra cool spots, this could point to an issue with your ductwork causing poor airflow and distribution.

If you’re concerned that something is going wrong with your HVAC unit, let our expert technicians take a look. Give Lunsford Air Conditioning and Heating a call at 850-203-3200 today to set up a consultation!

Image provided by Shutterstock

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