
Why It’s Important to Check Your Condensate Line

October 5, 2017

The condensate line is where the moisture from your Navarre, FL, air conditioner removes from indoor air exits the HVAC system. The moisture collects in a drain pan under the evaporator coil, drains into the condensate pipe, travels downward through the line, and leaks out on the ground near the air conditioner’s outdoor unit. If you check the area, you should see a pipe running downward from your house with water dripping from it. If your air conditioner is running, but no moisture is draining out, there may be a clog in the line.

What If I Have a Clog?

If the condensate drain line is blocked, the moisture your AC removes from the air has nowhere to go. Water can accumulate in the drain pan, overflow, and damage drywall and flooring in your home. The water can destroy your air conditioner or cause the indoor unit to freeze up. Water can leak through your ceiling or drip on electrical wires and short them out. Clogs can cause utility bills to soar, because they interfere with efficient AC performance. Sometimes the line is okay, but the drain pan is rusty, corroded or cracked. That means trouble as well.

Why Do Drain Lines Get Clogged?

Clogs develop when air conditioners don’t get annual HVAC maintenance. Well-maintained air conditioners in Milton, FL, seldom have drain line clogs or defective drain pans, because cleaning and inspecting the line and the pan are part of maintenance. Lines that aren’t cleaned and inspected get blocked with dirt, rust, ice, and debris over time.

How Do Clogs Affect Indoor Air Quality in My Navarre, FL Home?

The dark and damp environment of the drain pan and the drain line encourages the growth of algae and microbes. A clogged pipe can cause the drain pan to become slimy with disease-causing microbes. As air passes over the pan to be cooled, it absorbs these contaminants before being cycled back into your home. When you inhale the polluted air, you can develop headaches, nausea, eye and throat irritations, allergic reactions and respiratory problems.

To learn more about why it’s essential to maintain your Navarre, FL, air conditioner, visit Lunsford Air Conditioning & Heating. If you suspect that your condensate line is clogged, turn off your AC and call us immediately at (850) 203-3200.

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