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4 Tips for Making Your AC in Navarre, FL Last Longer

August 28, 2024

Anyone who has ever lived through a scorching summer in Navarre, FL understands how important it is to have an air conditioner that can last a long time and function reliably. Though there are many threats to AC longevity, there are also things that responsible homeowners can do to counteract these threats. Here are four tips for making your AC last longer.

1. Schedule Maintenance

Without having regular maintenance performed for your air conditioner, you’ll effectively be taking a big chance that is will need a repair. The problems that occur with ACs are not always obvious or overtly detectable, and when they do become clear, it may be difficult to fix them. Therefore, the chief advantage of giving your system regular tune-ups is that doing so can prevent many serious malfunctions from occurring in the first place.

While this is essential for extending your AC’s lifespan, there’s another major reason why you should never neglect the need for maintenance. HVAC equipment manufacturers typically require proof of annual maintenance before they will allow anyone to make a claim on their warranty. Depending on the kind of manufacturer’s warranty you have, using it will probably save you a great deal of money on every element of AC repair services, including both parts and labor.

We advise you to schedule maintenance for your system at least once a year. Doing so twice a year would be ideal.

2. Clean or Change Your Filters

Air filters are one of the simplest but most important parts of your whole AC. Their main function is to clean the air before it flows into your system.

This means that, if there is an excessive amount of debris on them, they may inadvertently choke off airflow. This will decrease the efficiency of your system and force it to work harder than it ordinarily would.

After enough time, this can stress your AC’s components to the breaking point, cutting short the system’s overall lifespan. In the short term, it can also cause overheating, which can inflict damage in its own right. To avoid these things, change or clean your AC filters at least once every 90 days.

3. Don’t Overuse the System

Try to use your AC as sparingly as necessary to keep you comfortable. For example, we encourage you to change your thermostat’s settings until you find the highest temperature that’s still comfortable for you. Also, if you plan to be away from home for any extended length of time, make sure that your thermostat is set about 8-10 degrees higher, so it works less while you’re away.

It is much easier to do these things if you buy a smart thermostat. These devices will calibrate temperatures and schedules of operation to your exact liking.

4. Be Aware of the Signs of Trouble

When there’s a problem with your AC, it will do certain things to alert you to what’s wrong. If you can understand and interpret these signs, you’ll be able to react quickly and get trained technicians to repair the system. As a result, whatever is wrong will ultimately inflict less long-term damage on your AC, and the system will be able to last longer.

Such ominous signals often take the form of smells or sounds. For example, you may hear rumbling, rattling, hissing or buzzing. These noises might indicate loose components, debris trapped in the system, a refrigerant leak or a malfunctioning blower motor, respectively.

Strange smells should also catch your attention. Refrigerant depending on the type, for example, can smell like exhaust or like car coolant. The smell of burning may point to an exposed electrical wire, and the stench of rotten meat may suggest that an animal has crawled into your AC and died there.

When you put in the effort to maximize your AC’s lifespan, you’ll reap the rewards of cooler summers and lower repair and installation costs. For any other cooling issues in Navarre, FL, call Lunsford Air Conditioning & Heating and ask for our air conditioning services.

Image provided by iStock

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